Saturday, November 15, 2014

Another Try With The Gelli Plate. I Like It!

Last week when I did my Gelli Prints I was frustrated with it. It was more that I wasn't organized with items that I would use while printing and I wasn't sure how to add more layers to a print without totally messing it up.

Once I became a little more daring and just "tried" things, without worrying about the results, that is when the magic happened.

I  love the dandelion stencil in these prints.

 Notice the tan background is one of the prints I did last week.  I used my brick wall stencil on it.  It looks great.

This is the same print as in the picture above it but I wanted a closer shot so that you could see the detail. I used the method where you let the paint dry from a previous print.  Then cover the plate with another layer of paint (off white).  I used pieces of torn paper across the plate for the white space. You can see the video of the technique HERE. I love how it turned out.

 The colors are a little muddied on these but they are still very pretty.  The bottom line is that I DO like my Gelli Plate and have had fun playing with it.  I see more experimenting in my future.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

THE Gelli Plate!

I pulled out my Gelli Plate today and played around with it.  The videos that I watched sure made it look easy.  I found that it required some organization skills that I didn't seem to manage. I didn't know which stencils I was going to use and I found myself digging for the right stencil while the paint was drying.  I think that I need to be more prepared with my tools before I start and be a little more daring in trying new prints.  I worried too much about putting on another layer for fear of ruining the layer that I already had.  Anyway, these are my results, which I think are very pretty:

The prints that look like roses are from a stamp I made with "Marshmallow Foam Shapes"  found at Micheal's craft stores.  You heat them up with a heat tool, press them into something with a pattern on it and Bingo, instant stamp.  There is a tutorial of how to do this HERE.

I used this paper clip (also found at Michael's) to get the impression, which looks like a rose to me.